Empowering Academic Museums & Galleries through Digital Innovation

At Walters Cube, we recognize the vital role of Academic Museums and Galleries in shaping art and culture. They are trendsetters, custodians of heritage, and catalysts for the future. Yet, their remarkable contributions often go unnoticed by wider audiences. That’s why we set out on a mission to break down barriers and bring these spaces to the world.

Through our pioneering approach, we have harnessed the power of technology to create digital twins of museum and gallery spaces. These replicas faithfully capture the essence of the original architectural ambience, hosting them in the cloud for seamless access anytime, from anywhere.

By bridging the gap between physical and digital, we enable Academic Museums and Galleries to transcend boundaries, make new collaborations and connecting with a global audience. Our digital twins preserve the magic of these spaces, providing an immersive and interactive experience that brings art and culture to life like never before.

About walter’s cube

Welcome to Walter’s Cube, where exhibitions transcend boundaries. We are on a mission to eliminate the physical and temporal barriers between educators, art professionals, exhibition spaces, and their audiences. With our innovative technology, we create digital twins of museum and gallery spaces, offering unparalleled accessibility and immersive experiences.


Virtual Curating

Virtual Curating streamlines curatorial work, ensuring both efficiency and enjoyment. By transcending physical and temporal barriers, it promotes accessibility and inclusivity through the online presence of your institution. Enter the realm of virtuality by utilizing our Editor software and mastering the practice of virtual curating.


Embrace a new era of curating where technology and creativity augment art engagement. Specially designed for art schools, our virtual curating curriculum benefits the entire art department at your institution focusing on curator students. Experiment and provide educational resources to deepen understanding of exhibitions and artworks.

Bring the museum home

Tailored exclusively for university museums and collections, our platform is perfect for in-depth study, comprehensive exploration, and research purposes. Apart from curators, it is an excellent tool for critics, art columnists, and researchers. In addition, it increases accessibility for those with disabilities.

How Can Digital Twins Revolutionize Academic Museum Activities?


We scan your museum space and create a Digital Twin, making it accessible online 24/7 from anywhere in the world. You can utilize it for various purposes such as planning, archiving, research, publishing, and collaboration.

Digital Collection Stewardship

Unleash the Potential of Your Collections

Discover a new way to make your collection accessible and visible 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Our digital twin integrates seamlessly with your existing documentation and storage systems, allowing you to fulfill your responsibility of ensuring the care, preservation, and responsible management of your museum’s collections.

Educational Programming

Inspire and Collaborate in the Digital Realm

Empower educators and students to create immersive learning experiences within the digital twin of your museum space. Foster collaboration, engage diverse audiences, and let users generate their own personalized content in multiple languages. Our platform revolutionizes the way education is delivered and experienced.

Exhibition Development

Unleash Boundless Creativity

With Walter’s Cube Editor, unleash your curatorial vision. Plan, publish, and archive existing exhibitions or create entirely new ones that push the boundaries of the physical realm. Engage visitors with innovative features like guided tours, creating captivating storytelling experiences that communicate your museum’s unique narrative.

Research and Scholarship

Elevate Academic Exploration

Transform academic research into immersive exhibition formats. Offer scholars the opportunity to showcase their work in an engaging manner, creating a new knowledge base for academic institutions and research activities. Bridge the gap between research and public engagement within the digital twin using Walter’s Cube Editor.

Community Engagement and Outreach

Enriching Connections

Enhance real time community engagement and collaboration online through our 3D spaces using Walter’s Cube interactive multiplayer platform. Forge partnerships with schools, organizations, and cultural entities to develop impactful public programs. Ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all visitors, fostering a sense of belonging within the digital realm.

Try Walter’s Cube Editor for free and create your first virtual exhibitions in minutes.

You can read more about it from this article.

No software skills, No credit card, No registration required.

“Groundbreaking platform”

Tim Schneider

“#1 Art & Museums event of the week”

Melissa Smith

Best exhibition digitization tool


Hidden Statement – Art in Afghanistan project in collaboration with Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden

Residency Unlimited workshop for artists and curators about creating virtual exhibitions

Hidden Statement – Art in Afghanistan workshop Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin 

Presenting the Hidden Statement project at Goethe Institut (Rome) together with Deutsche Akademie

MFA students from MKE Curatorial course presents their virtual exhibitions as semester exam in Walter’s Cube


Join the revolution!

Become a part of our transformative movement. Experience the power of Walter’s Cube firsthand at the Academic Museums and Galleries event. Visit our booth and let us show you the endless possibilities. Schedule a meeting with our team to explore how our services can revolutionize your institution’s digital presence.

You are in good company

Let’s Start Something new
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354 Bowery street, New York, NY 10012
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