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Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay is interested in painting the unknown. Her paintings offer a lyrical meditation on new vistas. Aiming at ambiguity and ambivalence, she creates complex allegories set beyond reality. In her dream landscapes, the familiar and the visionary are inextricably...

Chapter NY Selected Works

Founded 2013 by Nicole Russo, Chapter NY emphasizes intimate exhibitions and projects as a means to understand the diverse development of artistic practices. Working with artists at various phases in their careers, the gallery is committed to facilitating individual narratives...

不属于你的春天 The Spring of Others

The works of Zhang Jiangzhou shown in the exhibition The Spring of Others are intense and overpowering in their emotional impact. Employing ink to paint scenes weaving together line, wash and figuration, Zhang’s artistic language has evolved from elements drawn...

Aurora Vigil-Escalera Art Gallery Selected Works

Aurora Vigil-Escalera Art Gallery is based in Gijón, Asturias, Spain. The gallery opened its doors in 2015, when its director, Aurora Vigil-Escalera, decides to undertake a new project after 30 years of professional career in charge of Van Dyck Art...

Mike Diana TFG