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New Apostles

Gallery: Galerie Richard

121 Orchard Street, New York, United States

Artist: Christophe Avella-Bagur

The Face FS series that began in 2004-2005 is characterized by a human soul represented by a bloody fleshy face trying to take possession of the super human’s face. This superhuman is a standardized mass–produced creation in grey and a perfect looking. The addition of technology transplants into the human body and the replacement of human organs by technological organs is the first step of the fabrication of supe... more >>

The Face FS series that began in 2004-2005 is characterized by a human soul represented by a bloody fleshy face trying to take possession of the super human’s face. This superhuman is a standardized mass–produced creation in grey and a perfect looking. The addition of technology transplants into the human body and the replacement of human organs by technological organs is the first step of the fabrication of super-humans.The artist meant to emphasize a confrontation between two opposed worlds: the standardization of the person by science versus the uniqueness of the individuals. This confrontation can be disturbing for the viewer at a first step. This might be caused not only by the power of Image that art work has but also by the intention of the artist forcing the viewers to face the issues of our time and deal with them.

“The New Apostles” series represent a gallery of female and male portraits depicted as a mankind who has left behind, homeless people, in a declining today’s society. By contemplating his work which translates various stories, we could feel empathy. This series is inspired by the series of the twelve apostles painted by El Greco before he died in his home in Toledo. El Greco has been and inspirational artist for Christophe as one of the first painter who deliberately distorted the human body in order to express spiritual aspirations. However Christophe Avella-Bagur considers himself as a realistic figurative painter. The distortions in these paintings come form the projection of the second face on a three dimensional sculpture representing the Super-Human.

Christophe Avella-Bagur is a French artist born in 1968. He studied at the University of Aix-en-Provence and the Sorbonne, where he obtained a Master. Since 1992 he exhibited regularly in Paris and since 2012 in New York. He also has been display in China, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Japan. His works are in the permanent collection of the Museum of New Art in Detroit where he exhibited. He also exhibited at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, the ShiJiaZhuang National Museum of China, the contemporary art museum de Lyon, in the Orangerie museum, Paris, at the Lieu d’Art Contemporain in Narbonne, the Villa Tamaris in Seyne-sur-Mer, at the Espace Van Gogh in Arles.

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