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Street Markings 2011-2016

Gallery: 33 Orchard

33 Orchard Street, New York, United States

Artist: Pat Place

Jane Kim is delighted to announce Pat Place’s exhibition Street Markings 2011-2016, opening Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 6-8 pm at 33 Orchard.

In 2011 Pat Place started photographing markings for drilling sites on the streets and sidewalks of New York and Los Angeles with her iPhone camera. Often marked in florescent pinks, greens, and yellows, some as geometric forms, the images inspired Place as a conn... more >>

Jane Kim is delighted to announce Pat Place’s exhibition Street Markings 2011-2016, opening Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 6-8 pm at 33 Orchard.

In 2011 Pat Place started photographing markings for drilling sites on the streets and sidewalks of New York and Los Angeles with her iPhone camera. Often marked in florescent pinks, greens, and yellows, some as geometric forms, the images inspired Place as a connection to painting. Place continues to shoot streets, capturing paint marks, leaves, nails embedded in cement, gum, dirt and trash. The result is an astonishing collection of photographs, printed without digital enhancing technology.

Place’s artistic process remains simple as part of her strategy to make her work relevant to popular culture. She uses whatever camera is available (usually her phone), and creates pairings and groupings of 4 x 6 inch prints. The placement of photos together is like her paintbrush to the canvas. Scouring through her archive of thousands of photos, she realized the tonalities of color and texture that emerged are surprisingly similar to formal references to the history of Abstract painting from the 40’s to today. The markings also contain the element of time as they document new construction and changes happening to New York.

Pat Place is a musician and visual artist who was one of the founding members of The Contortions and Bush Tetras. She continues to play with the Bush Tetras. She is currently participating in Paradise: underground culture in NYC 1978-84, at Steven Harvey Fine Art, New York (through November 14). Street Markings 2011-2016 is Place’s second one person exhibition at 33 Orchard.

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