Circles are the perfection of form – spheres their equivalent in the 3-dimensional world of objects. In Psychology these two shapes are often referred to as the Symbols of the Soul.
Circles are the perfection of form – spheres their equivalent in the 3-dimensional world of objects. In Psychology these two shapes are often referred to as the Symbols of the Soul. Vortices represent the t... more >> SPHERES & VORTICES
Circles are the perfection of form – spheres their equivalent in the 3-dimensional world of objects. In Psychology these two shapes are often referred to as the Symbols of the Soul.
Circles are the perfection of form – spheres their equivalent in the 3-dimensional world of objects. In Psychology these two shapes are often referred to as the Symbols of the Soul. Vortices represent the twist and turns, heights and depths, quiet and stormy moments of life – they are the maps of my life, the atlas of my soul. I granted my soul the freedom to explore how it feels, to indulge in exposing itself in changing settings. Playful sessions with paint, brush, spatula and the shapes of circles and spheres frequently collided with my discoveries in creative fields corresponding with incidences that rocked my daily life. Eventually I began to understand that the vortices affecting our lives are the grinding and polishing influence that offers our soul a chance to mature to peace and perfection. I reflected on this notion - in countless sessions of applying layers of different materials and paint to my canvasses. For more information please see my catalogue SPHERES & VORTICES on my website: