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Agnes Demo

Gallery: Art Museum MS1

Więckowskiego 36, Łódź, Poland

Artists: Barnett Newman, Charley Toorop, Henri Matisse, Kazimir Malevich, Marc Chagall, Martial Raysse, Nola Hatterman, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Roy Lichtenstein, Vincent van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, Willem de Kooning

You either love Beuys or you are in deep denial about loving Beuys. His response to being asked to participate in an outdoor installation was to fill the dead space beneath a pedestrian underpass with tallow. In other words… Fat. The temperature of these large blocks of lard need to be constantly monitored as the heat from your body can begin to slightly melt the work.

You either love Beuys or you are in deep denial about loving Beuys. His response to being asked to participate in an outdoor installation was to fill the dead space beneath a pedestrian underpass with tallow. In other words… Fat. The temperature of these large blocks of lard need to be constantly monitored as the heat from your body can begin to slightly melt the work.

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