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Abstract Art From The 19th and 20th Century

Gallery: Fantasy Gallery

Artists: Unknown, David Burliuk, Victor Hugo, Wassily Kandinsky, Giacomo Balla, Rudolf Bauer, Hartley Mardsen, Mark Rothko, Dorothea Rockburne, Esteban Vincente, Harltley Mardsen

The exhibition features various paintings and artist from the 19th and 20th century. The colder toned paintings are from Europe representing the hard times the continent went through during the Cold War. While from the United States the paintings represent the warmer times the country experienced.

The exhibition features various paintings and artist from the 19th and 20th century. The colder toned paintings are from Europe representing the hard times the continent went through during the Cold War. While from the United States the paintings represent the warmer times the country experienced.

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