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All You Need is Love

Miriam Vlaming gilt als eine der wichtigsten Vertreterinnen der sogenannten Neuen Leipziger Schule, wobei in ihrem Œuvre der figurative Aspekt und die Natur gleichberechtigt erscheinen. In Düsseldorf geboren, studierte sie an der Leipziger Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst bei Arno...


Fabiana's works do not limit themselves to capturing superficial beauty; they also explore the very essence of being feminine and its representation in different cultures. Her vibrant color palette not only identifies physical features, but also transmits a deep emotional...

HOFA Gallery Selected Works

House of Fine Art - HOFA Gallery specialises in contemporary art by established and emerging international artists. Dedicated to supporting rare talent and making their work globally accessible, the gallery works closely with all of its artists to ensure the...

MRG Fine Art Selected Works

Founded in the spring of 2007, the mission of MRG is to create a unique and supportive community that allows the best emerging and established artists to showcase his or her singular vision. We’re dedicated to exhibiting the finest in...

Heitsch Gallery Selected Works

Joerg Heitsch opened his gallery 1994 in Munich to feature international contemporary art in context communication to profile the market interms of content and quality.