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Alice in Poidoland

In Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll represents through his different characters a mockery of the society and customs of the Victorian era. Humberto Poidomani adapts this literary piece to modern times, constituting a new critique with his distinctive artistic irony....

Sign Language by Marwan Chamaa

In this series, made up of twelve paintings of various sizes, Marwan Chamaa explores the possibility of finding a universal language that spans across cultures. This universal language refers to the language of well-known signs and logos that have come...

i le gallery Selected Works

i le gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Sitges near Barcelona, a town of great artistic tradition. Located a few meters from the sea and within the old part of the village, i le gallery offers fresh, modern,...

Four French Artists

Jean-Michel Alberola, Philippe Cognée, Gérard Garouste, Claude Viallat : 4 French artists reflecting on painting Founded in 1966, Galerie Templon has always been committed to the promotion of the French art scene. For the first virtual edition of Art Paris,...

Facebook Portraits Selected Works

A series of oil paintings inspired by individuals' postings on their Facebook profiles. These portraits are created from a selection of pictures found on each subject's Facebook page and then reproduced with slight alterations in composition by the artist. Each...