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Tilo BaumgÀrtel seems to have aligned his figures with the "multioption society" as Peter Gross calls it, referring to the way in which large sections of society have dispensed with the concept of salvation. Representatives of this exlstence appear slack...


Niki Passath searches in his artistic creations answers to the mystery of life, the people, their emotions, social behavior, their behavior compared to machines and to the surrounding nature. On this adventurous journey in search for knowledge he touches different...

Take My Breath Away

Danish artist Danh Vo (b. 1975, BĂ  Rịa, Vietnam) dissects the public forces and private desires that define individual experience. His work addresses sweeping cultural and political themes, but refracts them through intimate personal narratives—what the artist calls “the tiny...

Slow Dance by Julia Benz

About the Exhibition: Over the past year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world, Julia Benz has been busy at work while hunkered down in quarantine. Not being in her studio, she has been forced to get creative at...

25 Years of Exploration by Roberto Dutesco

The Sable Island Journey has been Dutesco’s main focus and dedication since 1994. His efforts to document and showcase The Wild Horses of Sable Island¼ have played favorably in the conservation and protection of Sable Island. His SoHo gallery (est....