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Siah Qand

Siah Qand studierte Malerei und arbeitete als Dozent und Berater. Seine kĂŒnstlerische Auseinandersetzung bezieht sich vornehmlich auf die Erforschung, Restaurierung und Dekoration historischer Orte mit den Mitteln der Malerei und Miniaturmalerei. Seine Kunstwerke sind hauptsĂ€chlich von afghanischen Ereignissen und Gegebenheiten...

Pace Gallery Selected Works

Pace is a leading contemporary art gallery representing many of the most significant international artists and estates of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. \n\nUnder the leadership of President and CEO Marc Glimcher, Pace is a vital force within the art...

Mazzoleni Selected Works

Mazzoleni was founded in Turin in 1986 by Giovanni and Anna Pia Mazzoleni, a natural evolution of their private collection started in the 1960s.\nThe collection brought together significant works from important international movements including Surrealism, Futurism and Abstract Art. Post...

Luciana Brito Galeria Selected Works

Established in 1997, Luciana Brito Galeria has performed a pivotal role in the consolidation\nof the local art market, and has been one of the pioneering Brazilian galleries at leading art\nfairs. Since 1998, the gallery has participated in fairs such as...

PolĂ­grafa Obra GrĂ fica Selected Works

Polígrafa Obra Gráfica was launched in 1964 by Manuel de Muga and has published editions featuring over 300 leading artists since then.\nIn the 1970s Joan de Muga, son of the founder, opened Polígrafa’s own workshop with facilities for etching, lithography,...