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gallery art composition Selected Works

In celebration of its 15th anniversary, PULSE Art Fair is dedicating this edition to creating an atmosphere that will have you lingering for hours and leaving with artwork to add to your collection.

Vedovi Gallery Selected Works

Vedovi Gallery is a leading secondary market gallery specializing in works by modern, post-war, and contemporary European and American artists.\n\nRenowned for its fine connoisseurship in the trade of high quality works, the gallery has gained a solid reputation and expertise...

Booth #H124V – Visions In Black

Frank Frazier is largely a self-taught artist whose concerns revolve around the movement of black art galleries and Black artists in America. He states that, "I’m concerned about the future of the black artist; the lasting effect of our work...

Vadehra Art Gallery Selected Works

Vadehra Art Gallery is proud to present a selection of work by some of India's leading contemporary artists, including Sudhir Patwardhan, Atul Dodiya, and Nalini Malani. Vadehra Art Gallery is proud to present a selection of work by Sudhir Patwardhan,...

Year of the Dog

Oliver Laric premieres a new video animation in "Year of the Dog," his first one-person exhibition in New York at Metro Pictures.The animation continues his inquiry into concepts of metamorphosis, encompassing concerns about time and the complex dynamic between human...