Gallery Tour 2020
spinNerei | Leipzig | Gallery Tour 2020
Our group show »AFK« (Away From Keyboard) marks the time when art returns from virtual to physical space. It is an ever-changing exhibition with a varying and evolving artist participation. In this way, different perspectives and new influences will constantly...
Das War Schon So
In my work, I reproduce the convoluted process of thinking. Combining notions of confusion and clarity, my practice interrogates the logical incoherence of sense and sensitivity. Emerging from a vague vision, each artwork is constantly growing on multiple dimensions, time and space...
Neo Rauch, the Leipzig-born artist who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB) with Arno Rink, has left a mark on art. With his figurative paintings, the international art world was his oyster in the 1990s. Yet at...
Thaler Originalgrafik zeigt in Zeiten der Isolation eine Gruppenausstellung mit Papierarbeiten von 20 Künstlern, die sich mit Innenansichten auseinandergesetzt haben.
Tilo Baumgärtel seems to have aligned his figures with the "multioption society" as Peter Gross calls it, referring to the way in which large sections of society have dispensed with the concept of salvation. Representatives of this exlstence appear slack...
Romy Julia Kroppe – Europabad
The deco-palms exposed to wind and salt water, sunlight and smoke are made of plastic. With their flaky plastic surfaces, colour irritations and faded stains, the relentless weathering gives them back a kind of naturalness. Or is this effect a...
Schwere Kraft
After winning the Travel Award of the National Portrait Gallery London, Robert Seidel cycled the Danube to its source. Before that he was in California for a scholarship and now he is showing the exhibition "Schwere Kraft".Schwere Kraft = Gravity....
For the first time Grass is Greener gallery is showing works by Kathrin Thiele from the DIS series, as well as brand new works in which the boundary between abstraction and figuration is blurring even more. Somewhere in the organic...
Studio 11
We are pleased to announce the start of the solo exhibition Studio 11 by Wolfgang Ellenrieder. A large part of the works now shown by us was created during his stay in 2018/19 at the Deutsche Akademie Rome Villa Massimo....
Walking through the fields of history
Galerie Jochen Hempel is pleased to present the exhibition walking through the fields of history... and to announce the reopening of the Leipzig gallery spaces. Walking through the fields of history… is an exhibition of a collection. A collection of...
Will of The Gods
Julius Hofmann is a child of the media, yet as a painter he practices the import of images considered to be obsolete back to the canvas. Thus painting also represents a memory of databased images, not as an archive for...

Spinnerei Gallery Opening