
As in many previous exhibitions, this show emphasizes the aesthetic and conceptual dialogue between the work rather than one ... more >> Join Lichtundfire and the artists for an ARTIST TALK & EXHIBITION WALK THRU with Q & A and CLOSING RECEPTION for "LOVE FEST - Seriously", a group exhibition that brings together 10 artists, working in various media, who, at large, have been at the core of Lichtundfire's program over the past two plus years.
As in many previous exhibitions, this show emphasizes the aesthetic and conceptual dialogue between the work rather than one particular genre or mainly individual careers.
The idea of the whole- being- greater- than- the- sum continues here beyond the confinements of a limited repertoire of the Whos and Whats into the realm of infinite possibilities.
"LOVE FEST- Seriously" is on view at Lichtundfire Wednesday through Saturday noon-6 pm; and Sunday 1-6 pm.
For more information and images of "LOVE FEST- Seriously", please contact Priska Juschka at info@lichtundfire.com, Tel: 917-675-7835 or visit www.lichtundfire.com
The Exhibition is kindly Supported by TSINGTAO BEER