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Gallery: Ludwig Museum

Artist: Albert-László Barabási

The exhibition Hidden Patterns aims to present the last 25 years of research based on the so-called Barabási networks mainly related to the activity of physicist and network researcher Albert-László Barabási. By following the development of network visualization – presenting the main projects of Barabási research lab – the viewer can finally gain insight into the application of this comprehensive method in art. Using state-of-the-art tec... more >> The exhibition Hidden Patterns aims to present the last 25 years of research based on the so-called Barabási networks mainly related to the activity of physicist and network researcher Albert-László Barabási. By following the development of network visualization – presenting the main projects of Barabási research lab – the viewer can finally gain insight into the application of this comprehensive method in art. Using state-of-the-art technology (data sculptures, MI, AR, VR, drawing robot), network diagrams and structures vividly describe the hidden connections and relationships that underlie the studied phenomena.

Barabási’s research focuses on the search for mostly invisible connections between things and phenomena, the exploration of repetitive patterns, which connect nature, society, language and culture. This network approach promises a comprehensive, universal method that can be used to examine almost any context (e.g., the success of artistic careers) with scientific precision.

Plans for the exhibition include the presentation of ongoing research processes and analyses such as the display of the Global Art Network, which depicts the relationships between artists and institutions. Through the use of virtual and real data sculptures and tools based on augmented reality, images projected into space offer new possibilities for visualization for researchers and those interested.

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