An artist with an affinity for portraits, one who paints delicate images where the light and expressions seem all too real. Hayam Elsayed is a gifted artist . Her work mostly consists of gorgeous, delicate portraits, which effortlessly capture emotion . Her work was featured in scope art show new york 2020 .
ArtZone Gallery is a contemporary art g... more >> TheArtZone gallery is pleased to present a new series of painting by 'Hayam Elsayed '
An artist with an affinity for portraits, one who paints delicate images where the light and expressions seem all too real. Hayam Elsayed is a gifted artist . Her work mostly consists of gorgeous, delicate portraits, which effortlessly capture emotion . Her work was featured in scope art show new york 2020 .
ArtZone Gallery is a contemporary art gallery based in London Its mission is to promote young emerging talent as well as artists with more established practices both regionally and internationally.
The gallery supports emerging contemporary art projects. The gallery focuses on those that examine the dynamic, significant role .The Gallery offers Art priced to meet the market with communications direct to the Artist.