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Laura Owens

Floor 8 will remain on view through February 26, 2018. The untitled installation that fills this gallery exemplifies Laura Owens’s persistent exploration of the interplay between painting, architecture, and perception. Five freestanding canvases are anchored directly to the floor as...


The first solo exhibition in Germany by Michael Simpson (b. 1940, Dorset, UK). Simpson presents a significant body of new work, including drawings, large-scale canvas paintings and a four-part polyptych over three metres high and seven metres wide. Over the...

Notes on Painting 1969 – 2019 | Harriet Korman

We are very excited to announce Notes on Painting: 1969 -2019, Harriet Korman‘s second show with the gallery, which will feature some of her seminal paintings from the early ’70s and trace her development until 2019 (an exhibition of her...

New Precisionism Part 2


Soon after acb Gallery closed the exhibition celebrating Imre Bak’s 80th birthday on 2020.03.08. and the Covid-19 coronavirus grew into a pandemic causing a global lockdown, Bak started to work on a new series. Bak choose to create small collage...