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Minimalism Beauty

The distinctive signs of Fremin Gallery are proposals that invite to think about the society and the individual, maintaining a close look to the soulful engagement of each artist’s approach to their medium. There is strong cross-pollination between subjects ranging...

Palais de Tokyo Dismisses Donor for Call to “Shoot Down” Activist Greta Thunberg

Bernard Chenebault, president of Amis du Palais de Tokyo (Friends of Palais de Tokyo) in Paris, called Thunberg a “madwoman” who “we must shoot down” in a Facebook post on Sunday. He was dismissed from his position the following day....

L’Art en commun

Les galeries Françoise Livinec transcendent les frontiĂšres entre abstraction et figuration grĂące Ă  des artistes internationaux, reconnus ou Ă©mergents. Les Ă©poques se croisent et les mediums se rencontrent dans une mĂȘme esthĂ©tique du silence. La programmation se dĂ©ploie dans deux...

Come what may

In the current midst of our global quarantine, our gallery artists had to return home. Being home has had an effect on them. Some have created new work that resonates with this current moment. Like Paolo Ventura, who was forbidden...

Appropriately Appropriated

While recent events have seen us embracing the new and living in an overwhelming time, we find ourselves craving the simplicity and days of yore. For our next show at Pleasure is Coming online gallery we have assembled twelve paintings...