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Pigment Gallery Art Paris 2020

Pigment Gallery was founded with the aim of adapting interactively to the changing global society in order to ensure contemporary art reaches anyone with curiosity or sensitivity towards art. The gallery deals in the promoting and publicising of contemporary art,...

Jordi Barnadas Gallery Selected Works

Founded in 1992, galeria JORDI BARNADAS promotes the figurative and realism movements in contemporary Spanish Art. The gallery holds monthly solo and group exhibitions of artists residing or established in Barcelona. Works from more than 40 artists are exhibited at...

Street Markings 2011-2016

Jane Kim is delighted to announce Pat Place’s exhibition Street Markings 2011-2016, opening Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 6-8 pm at 33 Orchard.In 2011 Pat Place started photographing markings for drilling sites on the streets and sidewalks of New York...

Almine Rech Selected Works

Almine Rech opened its doors on April 1st, 1997 in the 13th arrondissement in Paris. The gallery was founded on a minimal and conceptual axis.\n\nIn addition to its stable of internationally recognized, mid-career and emerging artists, it has always been...

Group Motivation

Cindy Rucker Gallery is pleased to present Group Motivation, an exhibition featuring works by New York based artists Eve Ackroyd and Kara Rooney. This exhibition explores the body as a vehicle for expression, restriction, politics, and individual and collective freedom.Eve...