
These works were completed as part of the Sixteen Trust's mentoring programme. Students were paired with arts professionals who worked with them to develop ideas, and give insight into the possibilities of a career in the arts. This exhibition shows some of the amazing results.
With thanks to the staff at Hartsdown Academy an... more >> An exhibition of work by under-16 students from Hartsdown Academy and Royal Harbour Schools, Thanet, UK.
These works were completed as part of the Sixteen Trust's mentoring programme. Students were paired with arts professionals who worked with them to develop ideas, and give insight into the possibilities of a career in the arts. This exhibition shows some of the amazing results.
With thanks to the staff at Hartsdown Academy and Royal Harbour schools, and to our amazing mentors, Josie Cerise, Ty Locke, Oscar May and Georgina Poole, and lawyers from Mischon de Reya: Simon Chadwick, Daniel Foley, Amanda Gray and Polly Green
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