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Nostalgic Dream

Gallery: Stick Together Gallery

Art fair: Scope Art Fair

Artist: Max Zorn

Amsterdam artist Max Zorn uses ordinary brown packing tape as his medium and a scalpel as a brush to create three new artworks for the start of 2021. His ability to shape layers upon layers of tape on acrylic glass that, when illuminated from behind, reveal contrasts and warmth, is a unique mastery. His unmistakable way to compose cinematic settings that echo a nostalgic dream, each artwork pulls the spectator in and encourages them to continue t... more >> Amsterdam artist Max Zorn uses ordinary brown packing tape as his medium and a scalpel as a brush to create three new artworks for the start of 2021. His ability to shape layers upon layers of tape on acrylic glass that, when illuminated from behind, reveal contrasts and warmth, is a unique mastery. His unmistakable way to compose cinematic settings that echo a nostalgic dream, each artwork pulls the spectator in and encourages them to continue this story.

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