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Galerie TamĂ©naga – Art Paris 2020

On the occasion of the edition 2020 of Art Paris Art Fair, the Galerie Taménaga is pleased to invite visitors to discover a new dialogue between six Japanese artists - some of whom are internationally renowned, alongside some of the...


Espace_L/GenĂšve en collaboration avec Brisa Galeria/Lisbonne prĂ©sente, les Ɠuvres photographiques des artistes Daniel Mattar, Ana D & Noora K, et Julien Spiewak dans l’exposition « Corps ».A travers leurs images, le publique est invitĂ©e Ă  expĂ©rimenter plusieurs langages et reprĂ©sentations...


La Galerie Dutko a le plaisir de prĂ©senter "Abstractions", une exposition collective d’artistes français VoilĂ  presque 40 ans que la Galerie Dutko collabore avec des artistes français ayant choisis les voies de l’abstraction comme moyen d’expression. Cette exposition collective propose...

The Bishop Gallery Selected Works

Celebrating its 19th edition, SCOPE will welcome 134 diverse contemporary exhibitors featuring The New Contemporary, a genre that stands as a critical contribution to both global politics and local community engagement.


Ian Davenport (UK, 1966) came to prominence internationally for his exploration, of line, colour and the materiality of paint. The contrast between monumentality and a sense of movement, between randomness and control, and the subtle paradoxes within his paintings are...