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Already Too Late

Das Auflisten von Dingen, fĂŒr die es bereits zu spĂ€t ist, wĂ€re ein ergiebiges Unterfangen und wesentlich produktiver, als sich auf der Suche nach Antworten den Kopf zu zerbrechen. Die Liste der inzwischen verpassten Chancen scheint unerschöpflich. Was jedoch offensichtlich...

Edening On

Magenta Plains presents Edening On, an exhibition of new paintings by New York based painter Zach Bruder. Bruder’s metaphorical approach to painting and long-term interest in image collecting results in inventive compositions in which both pictorial and illusionistic space play...

Projects 1963–2020

The second solo exhibition at the PalaisPopulaire presents what is probably the world’s most famous artistic duo: Christo and Jeanne-Claude. They succeeded in breaking through the narrow boundaries of the art business and attracting the interest of a broad public...

The Shows to See in London During Frieze Week

A guide to the best shows around town Lynette Yiadom-Boakye: ‘A Mind for Moonlight’ Corvi-Mora 6 September – 26 October Ahead of her first solo survey exhibition at Tate Britain in May 2020, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye’s work is currently on...

Command Field

The Hole is proud to present “Command Field”, a solo show of paintings and installation by Anne Vieux. She was featured in past group exhibitions at the Hole that looked at how digital tools are shaping traditional painting; this will...